The First and Remarkable Brand and Marketing Team Building Experience in Oslob, Cebu

Aside from maintaining the brand and marketing identities of the companies we’re handling, our department is an intersection of almost all departments at eLink, from recruitment and finance to sales and fulfillment. As such, we find creating successful teamwork and effective collaboration necessary in building a strong brand and marketing strategy. 

The Brand and Marketing Team Building in the breathtaking beauty of Oslob, Cebu is a better way to foster the essential skills in our department. The tropical paradise not only offers an escape from the everyday hustle but also presents an ideal setting for team building activities that leave an indelible mark.

Cuartel Ruins: Honoring the Past, Shaping the Future

Imagine starting your team-building journey with an encounter that’s as humbling as it is exhilarating. As the sun set over the horizon, our team visited the Cuartel Ruins—a place where history speaks through crumbling walls with a church and a museum on both sides. 

After we arrived early in the afternoon of Saturday, August 26, 2023, we had our lunch prepared by the crews of Hotel Sebastian. We do the first Brand and Marketing Team Building activity by sharing three facts and one untrue statement about ourselves. It’s both a test and a way of getting to know each other better.

Before the sun sets, the ruins we visited remind us that while we forge ahead with innovative strategies, it’s essential to acknowledge the foundation on which we stand. By exploring the remnants of the past (like knowing the past experiences of our team members), our team learns the significance of heritage and the importance of maintaining a strong brand identity. Just as the ruins stand as a testament to time, successful marketing strategies are built on a foundation of consistency and authenticity.

Whale Shark Watching: Unveiling the Giants of the Sea

Oslob is renowned for its awe-inspiring whale shark watching and diving tours, where teams have the unique opportunity to swim alongside these majestic creatures. 

Before we went to that next destination early in the morning of Sunday, we did the next activity by picking random questions. The exercise is similar to the whale shark diving experience. It goes beyond a mere adventure; it teaches the significance of harmony and coexistence, vital qualities for any successful team. 

As our team dives into the crystal-clear waters to share a moment with the gentle giants, we learn the value of understanding, communication, and the importance of protecting delicate ecosystems – all of which seamlessly translate into the world of brand building.

Brand and Marketing Team Building in Oslob, Cebu

Tumalog Falls: Embracing the Power of Adaptation

No team-building excursion is complete without an exploration of nature’s wonders, and Tumalog Falls is a prime example of such magnificence. Hence, we go straight to magical falls after our Brand and Marketing Team Building with the whale sharks. The fall’s ethereal cascade symbolizes the fluidity of marketing strategies in an ever-evolving landscape. 

Much like the water flowing through the rocks as high as a corporate building, a successful brand and marketing team must adapt and adjust to changing trends and consumer preferences. The trek to Tumalog Falls becomes a metaphor for the journey of branding, where stepping out of comfort zones and embracing change can lead to extraordinary outcomes.

Before we concluded our weekend journey, we ended our Brand and Marketing Team Building activity by thanking each member of our team for the contributions they made to our department.

Indeed, in the heart of Oslob, Cebu lies an experience that transcends the ordinary. The Cuartel Ruins’ historical significance, the whale shark encounters, and the Tumalog Falls’ beauty come together to create a profound team-building journey. As employees of eLink Systems & Concepts Corp., the lessons learned by our team amid these natural wonders are bound to resonate in the world of branding and marketing, fostering not only a closer-knit team but also a brighter path toward success.

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JP Abecilla

JP Abecilla - The Millennial Writer is a Filipino influencer and award-winning blogger in the Philippines based in Cebu City, Cebu. JP blogs about writing, blogging, motivation, career, politics, and religion. He is a recipient of Best Cebu Events Blog of 2019 and Blog of the Year (2nd Place) in 2020 by Globe Telecom. More than being a writer, blogger, and influencer, JP loves coffee, books, and donuts.

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